According to republika.co.id in an article titled 'Tears that Lead you to Heaven', tears come from emotional crying is totally different from accidental crying while cutting onion (tears caused by irritant). Emotional tears contain toxic substances while accidental tears caused by irritant not. The cause is not specifically written so I googled and found the fact from here as written below:
"At the St Paul Ramsey Medical Center in Minnesota, tears caused by simple irritants were compared to those brought on by emotion. Researcher William Frey found that stress-induced tears actually remove toxic ‘substances’ from the body. Volunteers were led to cry first from watching sad movies, and then from freshly cut onions. The researchers found that the tears from the movies, called emotional tears, contained far more toxic biological byproducts. Weeping, they concluded, is an excretory process which removes toxic substances that normally build up during emotional stress.
The simple act of crying also reduces the body’s manganese level, a mineral which affects mood and is found in up to 30 times greater concentration in tears than in blood serum. They also found that emotional tears contain 24 per cent higher albumin protein concentration than tears caused by eye irritants.8
The researchers concluded that chemicals built up by the body during stress were removed by tears, which actually lowered stress. These include the endorphin leucine-enkephalin, which helps to control pain, and prolactin, a hormone which regulates milk production in mammals.
They found that one of the most important of those compounds which removed tears was adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH), one of the best indicators of stress. Suppressing tears increases stress levels, and contributes to diseases aggravated by stress, such as high blood pressure, heart problems and peptic ulcers'"
Wow, so spilled out emotional tears is recommended, guys!!. But let's see it with Islamic view (from Republika.co.id), it is noted that person who loved crying often labeled as crying baby, crying over another person with 'worldly reason' is negative, but crying when remembered Allah SWT is considerly positive especially when we're pray and reflect to our sin. According to a hadith, "There're eyes that forbidden to hell, the eyes that is not sleeping all night in the struggle Fisabilillah and eyes that cry for fear of Allah".
So pries sincerely from your heart till your tears spilled out my friend, it's healthy and positive!!!
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